Home > Dermatology > AAD 2019 > Vitiligo: The Beginning of a New Era > Surgical treatment for selected vitiligo cases

Surgical treatment for selected vitiligo cases

Presented by
Dr Iltefat Hamzavi, Henry Ford Hospital, USA
AAD 2019
Dr Iltefat Hamzavi (Henry Ford Hospital, USA) pointed out that surgical management is a safe and effective treatment modality for selected patients with vitiligo [1].

Surgery is often recommended for patients resistant to other therapies, and different techniques exist. Cultured melanocyte transplantation consists of the separation of epidermal cells obtained from a donor site and spreading these cells on the depigmented and dermabraded recipient area. This method allows for treatment of large, irregular areas. A repigmentation rate of 75-84% can be expected. Unfortunately, increased time for culture, special training, personnel, and equipment is needed. The same holds true for melanocyte keratinocyte transplant procedure. With this method, 84% repigmentation is possible. Another surgical technique is punch grafting, which is readily available, and does not require additional equipment or training. ā€œUnfortunately, the cosmetic effect is poor, we often see a cobblestone-like effect, and typically adjuvant UV treatment is necessary,ā€ said Dr Hamzavi.

1. Hamzavi I. Session S002, AAD Annual Meeting, 1-5 March 2019, Washington DC, USA.

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