ERS 2018

Read the full Report (pdf)
European Respiratory Society 15-19 September 2018 Paris, France
Featured articles

[Long Read] Current Look on Asthma
Online First
COPD: Triple Therapy, MABA and Antibiotics
Landmark triple therapy trials

ICS: to use or not to use?

MABA, and novel LAMA
Macrolide antibiotics and trial with azithromycin
Current Look on Asthma

[Long Read] Current Look on Asthma
Endoscopic Solutions

Endoscopic treatment of emphysema
Endoscopic treatment of asthma
Endoscopic treatment of chronic bronchitis

Risk stratification
Balloon pulmonary angioplasty for CTEPH

New therapeutic targets: moving form pre-clinical data to phase 2 studies
IPF introduction and Pentraxin-2

Nintedanib and sildenafil

Gastroesophageal reflux, IPF and lessons learned

EGFR-targeted treatments