European Society for Medical Oncology
–13 September 2022
Paris, France
Table of Contents
Featured articles
EditorDr Stefan Rauh, the Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrisch, Esch, Luxembourg
Colorectal Cancer
Presented ByDr Miriam Chalabi, Netherlands Cancer Institute, the Netherlands
Presented ByProf. Nageshwara Arvind Dasari, MD Anderson Cancer Centre, TX, USA
Presented ByProf. Julien Taieb, Hopital European George Pompidou, France
Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer
Presented ByDr Raul Perret, Institute Bergonié, France
Presented ByProf. Richard Finn, David Geffen School of Medicine, CA, USA
Presented ByProf. Antoine Hollebecque, Institut Gustave Roussy, France
Presented ByProf. Sylvie Lorenzen, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München, Germany
Breast Cancer
Presented ByProf. Marleen Kok, Netherlands Cancer Institute, the Netherlands)
Presented ByProf. Matthew Goetz, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, USA
Presented ByProf. Hope Rugo, Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Centre, CA, USA
Lung Cancer
Presented ByProf. Charles Swanton, University College London, UK
Presented ByDr Melissa Johnson, Sarah Cannon Research Institute, TN, USA
Presented ByProf. Julien Mazières, CHU de Toulouse, France
Presented ByDr Idris Bahce, Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands
Presented ByProf. John Haanen, Netherlands Cancer Institute, the Netherlands
Presented ByDr Sapna Patel, MD Anderson Cancer Center, TX, USA
Presented ByProf. Reinhard Dummer, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Presented ByProf. Georgina Long, University of Sydney, Australia
Genitourinary Cancer – Prostate Cancer
Presented ByProf. Gerhardt Attard, UCL Cancer Institute London, UK
Presented ByProf. Chris Parker, The Royal Marsden Hospital, UK
Presented ByDr Rahul Aggarwal, University of California San Francisco, CA, USA
Genitourinary Cancer – Non-Prostate Cancer
Presented ByProf. Robert Motzer, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY, USA
Presented ByProf Toni Choueiri, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, MA, USA
Presented ByDr Axel Bex, The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Gynaecological cancers
Presented ByProf. Isabelle Ray-Coquard, Centre Léon Bérard, France
Presented ByProf. Keiichi Fujiwara, Saitama Medical University, Japan
Head and Neck Cancer
Presented ByProf. Jean-Pascal Machiels, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Belgium
Presented ByDr Marcin Dzienis, Gold Coast University Hospital, Australia
Presented ByDr Han Chong Toh, National Cancer Centre, Singapore