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Interim data on GOULASH-PLUS trial

Dr Dorottya Kato, University of Pécs, Hungary
UEGW 2019
Dr Dorottya Kato (University of Pécs, Hungary) presented the 14-month follow-up data in the GOULASH-PLUS trial, which indicated 19% recurrence of acute pancreatitis (AP) and 45.3% of patients who displayed some level of carbohydrate metabolism disorder [1].

Recurrent AP (RAP) develops in 20% of patients and chronic pancreatitis (CP) occurs in 7%–12.8%. However, there is not sufficient information to establish an evidence-based statement to define early CP, or how to prevent its development.

The reported study is an observational prospective follow-up study of the GOULASH-trial in which (1) patients with all severities of pancreatitis were included; (2) patients received only therapeutic modalities which are accepted by the evidence-based medicine (EBM) guideline; (3) whole blood, serum, and plasma samples were collected; and (4) patient-related variables including anamnestic data, physical examination, laboratory parameters, imaging, therapy, and complications were collected. The aim of GOULASH-PLUS study is to understand the influencing factors of CP and to determine which parameters should be measured to detect the early phase of CP.

In total, 93 of the 126 included patients (73.8%) received a first-year check-up within the trial. Their mean age was 54 years and 61.2% was male. Mild, moderate, and severe AP was observed in 69 (74%), 19 (21%), and 5 (5%) patients during their index admission. About 20% of patients (18/126) was admitted with recurrent AP. At the first-year follow-up, 9 patients were newly diagnosed with diabetes, and 21 patients had impaired glucose tolerance. The incidence of diabetes increased after the first year of AP from 12.9% to 22.7%, and at 12 months follow-up 45.3% of the patients had evidence of glucose intolerance. Patients who were admitted with moderate or severe AP were more likely to develop diabetes (5/24 patients; 20.8%) than patients with mild AP (4/69 patients; 5.8%).

  1. Kato D et al. UEG Week 2019, Abstract OP305.

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