ERS 2019

Read the full Report (pdf)
The European Respiratory Society
28 September – 2 October 2019, Madrid, Spain
Featured articles

Interview with ERS president Prof. Tobias Welte

Online First
Holistic View on Asthma

Holistic view on asthma
COPD Management

COPD patients derive clinical benefit from β-blockers
COPD patients harbouring Pseudomonas Aeruginosa face high risk of hospitalisation
One blood eosinophil count is sufficient to guide ICS therapy
Female COPD patients frequently suffer from anxiety and depression
Dual bronchodilation improves ventilation dynamics in COPD patients
Vaping impairs innate immune response of the airway

Alternative nicotine delivery products: no help in smoking cessation
Air Pollution
Pregnant women and their offspring: a high-risk group for air pollution
Taxi drivers exposed to highest levels of black carbon pollution
Infectious Respiratory Disease: the Role of Vaccines

Vaccines show multiple positive effects with respect to respiratory health
Pneumococcal vaccines: an effective way to reduce COPD hospitalisations
Interstitial Lung Disease

Antifibrotic therapy slows disease progression in ILD
Reduction of FVC decline in systemic sclerosis-associated ILD
Registry confirms nintedanib efficacy under real-life conditions
Best of the Posters

Fever during immunotherapy for NSCLC associated with shorter PFS
Smart shirt as a device to measure tidal volumes in real-life setting
Exercise with virtual reality beneficial for COPD patients
NSCLC: A new way to evaluate hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes