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Interview: How will the US 2024 presidential election affect healthcare?

Jeanne Haggerty

Medicom Medical Publishers and Physician's Weekly interviewed Jeanne Haggerty, a veteran healthcare lobbyist based in Washington D.C. She offered insights into the potential shifts in healthcare policy as the 2024 US elections approach. Representing a prominent multi-client lobbying firm with a significant focus on the healthcare and biopharma sectors, Haggerty brings over 25 years of experience to the table, and shares her insights into the complex interplay between politics and healthcare policy.
What is the current state of healthcare policy and what changes might we anticipate?

Source: https://www.bio.org/

“The 2024 election season is already making its presence felt, with Congress grappling with a slew of issues,” Haggerty explained. “A major focus is the funding bill due in March, which could significantly impact healthcare legislation.” [Ed: President Biden signed the bill on 11 March 2024]

Highlighting the challenges in negotiating Medicare reimbursement rates, she noted that “there's considerable anxiety among physicians and healthcare professionals about potential Medicare payment cuts. Last year saw recommendations for a 3.3% reduction. Although there's a push to offset these cuts, the outcome remains uncertain.”

Describing the political scene as akin to a “soap opera,” Haggerty outlined the complexities of navigating an election year. “We're witnessing a series of retirements and primary challenges that add layers of uncertainty. The dynamics within Congress, compounded by election year strategies, make it a critical time for healthcare policy,” she stated.
Is there a crucial role for healthcare professionals in advocacy?

Emphasising the importance of physician involvement in policy advocacy, Haggerty advises that physicians should actively engage with their professional societies and reach out directly to legislators: “Your perspectives are invaluable, influencing the development and implementation of healthcare policies that directly impact patient care.”

With the election on the horizon, Haggerty speculates on the potential outcomes and their implications for healthcare. “Regardless of the election results, the narrow margins between parties will persist, influencing the direction of healthcare policy. It's vital for healthcare professionals to continue their advocacy efforts, ensuring patient care remains a priority in legislative discussions.”

In conclusion, Haggerty calls for action from the healthcare community: “Regardless of who wins the election, it's imperative for physicians to engage with policy-making processes. Your input is crucial in shaping a healthcare system that truly benefits patients and addresses the challenges facing our nation.”


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