Home > Gastroenterology > ECCO 2021 > Risk Mitigation > Large variability in IBD care and education across Europe

Large variability in IBD care and education across Europe

Presented by
Dr Jan Král, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Czech Republic
ECCO 2021
High- and low-income countries across Europe demonstrate clear differences in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) care and education. Physicians in high-income countries have a better access to IBD medicine. Moreover, these physicians have been exposed to specialised training for IBD care more frequently than physicians in low-income countries. In order to improve and standardise IBD care and education across Europe, these inequalities need to be addressed.

Dr Jan Král (Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Czech Republic) and colleagues investigated the differences in IBD care and education across Europe [1]. An online survey examining IBD education, IBD clinical care, and demographics was distributed across 39 European countries. In total, 1,268 participants responded. Results were compared between high- and low-income countries, based on GDP per capita.

Physicians from high-income countries reported a better access to IBD-specific training than their colleagues from low-income countries (56.4% vs 38.5% positive responses, respectively; P<0.001). Nonetheless, most physicians feel comfortable in treating IBD patients (77.2% vs 72.0%; P=0.04). More dedicated IBD units are available in high-income countries (58.5% vs 39.7%; P<0.001), and physicians in high-income countries organise more multidisciplinary meetings. In the current era, physicians in high-income countries are more inclined to make use of telemedicine. Furthermore, physicians in high-income countries have a better access to most IBD medications, especially biologics.

  1. Král J, et al. Large differences in IBD care and education across Europe, first results of the pan-European VIPER study. DOP37, ECCO 2021 Virtual Congress, 2-3 & 8-10 July.


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