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Why Medicom Medical Publishers champions peer review

Dr RH Giles, Medical Science Officer, Medicom Medical Publishers

Editorial independence is the freedom of editors and writers to report and write about topics at will, without an external party’s involvement. At Medicom Medical Publishers, we champion editorial independence, and no pharmaceutical or device company, government body, or other entity determines what we write about, nor are we paid to write about (or not write about) certain topics, unless clearly marked as an advertorial. We carefully select topics and presentations in collaboration with our advisory board to bring newsworthy developments in the medical field to physicians worldwide. 

At Medicom, we highly value transparency and balance. Therefore, peer review has been an important component of Medicom’s editorial process for more than 7 years. At Medicom we use a 5-step peer-review process for all peer-reviewed Conference Reports: 

  1. In collaboration with the expert medical writer, the Editor of the Conference Report (a renowned medical expert in the field) critically reviews the conference programme and selects the clinically most important sessions to be covered, and ensures scientific balance. 
  2. The expert medical writer prepares scientific articles of the selected conference sessions. 
  3. The Medicom’s editorial coordinator applies language- and scientific editing and fact-checking.  
  4. An independent advisory board of medical experts provides independent peer review. 
  5. The Editor reviews the feedback from the independent advisory board and approves the final version of the Conference Report.
Integrity in the peer-review process is vital if various parties are to have trust, or faith, in the credibility of peer-review mechanisms. Five core elements of peer review are included in the F.A.I.T.H. model [1]: fairness in critical analysis of manuscripts; the selection of appropriate reviewers with relevant expertise; identifiable, publicly accountable reviewers; timely reviews, and helpful critical commentary. The model is intended to describe core elements of high-quality peer review and suggests what factors can foster or hinder trust in the integrity of peer review.  

As part of adopting the F.A.I.T.H. model, Medicom ensures fairness through a balanced selection of presentations as a result of collaboration between the expert medical writer, Medicom’s editorial coordinator and expert Editor. Appropriate peer review is ensured by a selection of experts based on their specialty and focus of a conference, preferably they attended the conference themselves. For identifiable, Medicom recognises the demand for accountability and elected to publish the identities of our reviewers. The reader can therefore identify the level of expertise through which the text has been filtered. 

In addition, Medicomhas dedicated staff members who fact-check content. Fact-checkers do their best to confirm the accuracy of all parts of a story, including headlines, photo captions and credits, data that appears in graphs or charts, and the raw data behind any visualisations or interactives. The fact-checkers use materials provided by the writer, including research papers, websites, and interview notes or transcripts; they also perform independent research. The fact-checkers, as well as the medical writers, are also identified in the Colophon. Medicom furthermore aims to produce timely content by engaging the advisory board and Editor from the start of a project; the reviewers and Editors we work with understand the importance of publishing information before it has become outdated. Importantly, the Conference Report can be used as a citable resource to fill the time gap between the presentation of the research outcomes at a conference and publication of the clinical data in scientific literature. Lastly, we complete the F.A.I.T.H. process by providing helpful content; all reviewers critically appraise the articles in the Conference Reports to ensure high quality and scientifically balanced medical information that add insights for clinical practice and place the new findings in context. We work with multiple reviewers on each Conference Reports. 

In short, for the past 7 years, Medicom has ensured the quality of our Medicom Conference Reports series by integrating standard peer review by independent specialists in the editorial process. This feature is rather distinct for a medical news publisher, but we are determined to promote quality and balanced news above all else. We hope that our readers appreciate the level we strive to achieve.  

  1. Godlee, F. JAMA 2002;287,2762–2765. 


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