Home > Urology > EAU 2019 > Prostate Cancer > Barentsz Trial – Bi-parametric MRI versus multi-parametric MRI

Barentsz Trial – Bi-parametric MRI versus multi-parametric MRI

Presented by
Prof. Jelle Barentsz, Prof. Jochen Walz, Prof. Arnaud Villers
EAU 2019

Featured video: Prof. Jelle Barentsz (RadboudUMC, the Netherlands) is questioned by Prof. Jochen Walz (Institut Paoli-Calmettes, France) and Prof. Arnaud Villers (University of Lille Nord de France) about his study on the role of (fast) bi-parametric MRI versus multi-parametric MRI and TRUS-biopsy for detecting clinically significant prostate cancer in biopsy-naïve men with elevated PSA .

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